Transnational Displays of Parenting and Caring For Elderly Parents
Irena Juozeliūnienė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Gintė Martinkėnė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Irma Budginaitė-Mačkinė
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Published 2020-09-09


Transnational families
cross-border displays

How to Cite

Juozeliūnienė, I. , Martinkėnė, G. and Budginaitė-Mačkinė, I. (2020) “Transnational Displays of Parenting and Caring For Elderly Parents”, Vilnius University Open Series, (3), pp. 127–154. doi:10.15388/OS.2020.7.


This chapter is set up to incorporate Finch’s idea of ‘display’ to examine how migrant parents, adult migrant children, and close significant persons perform a set of actions to convey to each other and the society at large that these are family-doing activities. The authors sought to demonstrate that the concept of ‘display’ could be applied to analyze transnational practices of parenting and caring for elderly parents in a quantitative way. The chapter draws on the data from a quotabased survey (N = 304) of three types of transnational families: mother-away and father-away with under-aged children living in Lithuania and adult child-away with elderly parents needing care living in Lithuania. The study was carried out in August 2018 as part of the research project ‘Global Migration and Lithuanian Family: Family Practices, Circulation of Care, and the Return Strategies’.



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