Personal autonomy as a key factor of human self-determination
Liudmyla Serdiuk
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine
Ivan Danyliuk
Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
Galina Chaika
Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAES of Ukraine, Ukraine
Published 2018-06-25


personal autonomy
psychological well-being

How to Cite

Serdiuk, L., Danyliuk, I. and Chaika, G. (2018) “Personal autonomy as a key factor of human self-determination”, Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach, 8(1), pp. 85–93. doi:10.21277/sw.v1i8.357.


The article presents the research on psychological factors of personal autonomy as a self-determination need and as a component of psychological well-being. The analysis was carried out in two directions: within in the theory of self-determination and within the theory of psychological well-being.

The greatest influence on autonomy development as a self-determination need have such predictors as goals in life, challenge, self-efficacy, self-acceptance, self-assurance, locus of control-life, locus of control-Self. Predictors that positively affect autonomy as a component of psychological well-being are: self-acceptance, acceptance of aggression, self-confidence, creativity, control, self-esteem.

The article determines that autonomy as a self-determination need is based not only on self-acceptance with all advantages and disadvantages, but also on existence of a goal in life and personal internal powers to achieve this goal. Autonomy, as it is understood in the theory of psychological well-being, is a necessary, but insufficient condition for self-determination. For formation and development of self-determination it is necessary to have a life purpose that gives meaningfulness to human life.



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