Risks and resilience of students with hearing impairment in an inclusive school at Bengkala, Bali, Indonesia
Kadek Suranata
University of Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja-Bali, Indonesia
Adi Atmoko
Nur Hidayah, University of Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Itsar Bolo Rangka
University of Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia
Ifdil Ifdil
University of Negeri Padang, East Sumatra, Indonesia
Published 2017-12-20


risk and resilience
student with hearing impairment
inclusive school
social support
psychological resilience
deaf education

How to Cite

Suranata, K. (2017) “Risks and resilience of students with hearing impairment in an inclusive school at Bengkala, Bali, Indonesia ”, Special Education, 2(37), pp. 165–214. doi:10.15388/SE.2017.4.


This phenomenological study describs some risks and sources of resilience of students with hearing impairment in an inclusive school at Bengkala, Bali, Indonesia. The data were obtained from four students with hearing impairment, and some related key informants, through semi-structured in-depth interview and observation. The steps of analyses followed a phenomenological research approach. The result of the study shows that (1) there are three serious risk factors, namely family poverty, student’s difficulties in understanding verbal language and learning materials, and student’s emotional distortion; (2) there are five personal sources of resilience, they involve self-efficacy, cooperation skills, talents or special skills, gratitude, and positive hope; (3) there are four social support sources of resilience, they are family, school, peers, and community. This study also discussed an attempt to improve the success of children with hearing loss through developing psychological and social functioning, and enhancing achievement in inclusive schools.



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