Teaching methods of arithmetics basics in different countries
Inga Žilinskienė
Matematikos ir informatikos institutas
Valentina Dagienė
Matematikos ir informatikos institutas
Published 2008-12-21


arithmetics basics
arithmetics actions
methods of arithmetics actions
learning objects of arithmetics

How to Cite

Žilinskienė, I. and Dagienė, V. (2008) “Teaching methods of arithmetics basics in different countries”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 48(proc. LMS), pp. 154–158. doi:10.15388/LMR.2008.27.


This paper deals with main teaching methods of arithmetics – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in different countries: USA, Israel, Germany, Austria, Japan, Egypt, and the Netherlands. Methods of teaching arithmetics basics and methodology of its application have been discussed. The paper reports on a survey conducted on methods of teaching arithmetics actions at the introductory level. It presents some examples of learning objects for teaching aritmetics basic.



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