Ancient temple ornaments in Latvia
Jānis Ciglis
Published 2011-03-16

How to Cite

Ciglis, J. (2011) “Ancient temple ornaments in Latvia”, Archaeologia Lituana, 12, pp. 48–56. doi:10.15388/ArchLit.2011.12.5131.


It is a little bit curious, that at the end of the Late Bronze Age and the Early or Pre-Roman Iron Age these temple ornaments were the most common metal ornament type in the territory of Latvia, but later periods these ornaments almost disappeared.
The Pre-Roman Iron Age temple ornaments can be divided into three groups. The most wide-spread temple ornaments were plain spiral temple ornaments (first group) and ornaments with a spiral middle part and spoon-shaped ends (second group). The third group consists of ornaments made of thin bronze wire rings with beads and pendants.



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