

From the History of Kalbotyra
First period of Kalbotyra (1958–1970)
The research works Kalbotyra have been published since 1958. The first three issues were published once a year (1958, 1960, 1961), two were published in 1962, and four editions of the publication in 1963; the number of issues for the subsequent years were as follows: 1964 – one, 1965 – three, 1966 – one, 1967 – four, and 1968, 1969, 1970 – one for each year.
During this first period, from 1958 to 1970, twenty-one issues of Kalbotyra were published; the journals were numbered in succession, and the publication was called Kalbotyra. It should be noted that one of the numbers, the eighth, had a subtitle: Pabaltijo rusų šnektos (The Dialects of Baltic Russians), while the fifth journal was dedicated to the 100-year anniversary of Jablonski’s birth.

The Productive Period of Kalbotyra (1971–2004)
Numbered volumes have been launched since 1971: (1), (2), and (3), which have been respectively titled Lithuanian, Slavistics, and Foreign Languages. These three editions were published regularly for six years, until 1976. The publication was later further expanded.
In 1977, five Kalbotyros editions were published: (1) Lithuanian, (2) Slavistics, (3) Foreign languages: German, (4) Foreign languages: English, (5) Foreign languages: French. Five numbers were published until 1980, i.e., they were in print for four years. There is currently a tendency to clarify the contents of a particular editions with an appropriate subtitle, such as:
1979 30 (1) Lithuanian: Subjects of Phonology, Grammar and Semantics
1979 30 (5) Foreign Languages: Problems with the Philology of Novels
1980 31 (1) Lithuanian: Current Language, Structure and History
1980 31 (2) Russian: Вопросы Славистики Взаимодействия
1980 31 (4) Foreign languages: German (Problems in Germanic Languages)
Since 1981, three Kalbotyra editions, traditionally dedicated to Lithuanian language issues, Slavistic, and Romantic-Germanic language studies, returned to print. Three volumes were published on a regular basis until No. 53 of 2004. This period is characterized by various subheadings of publications, such as: Slavic and General Linguistic Issues, General Linguistic and Novel-Germanic Philology Problems, Experimental Phonetic and Syntactic Semantic Works, Phonetics and Grammar Works, Вопросы Восточнославянского Грамматики, Grammar, Semantics, Phonology, Проблемы-Исторического Русского, Problems of linguistic development and interaction, etc.
In 1986, an additional (4) number entered print: Language Descriptions: Swan. In 1993, the Slavic scholars expanded the issue of their publications, (2) calling the language number Lituano-Slavica: Языки, Культура, Контакты and, since 1997, Slavistica Vilnensis.

Changes in Kalbotyra (2004–2006)
During the period from 2004 to 2006, there occurred a change in how Kalbotyra was published. Between 2004 and 2005, two numbers of the Kalbotyra journal came out: 54 (1) in Lithuanian and 54 (3) in Germanic and Romance Studies. The 54 (2) edition of Slavistica Vilnensis came out only in 2009, covering the period of 2005–2009.
By 2013, three more issues of Kalbotyra (2) Slavistica Vilnensis had appeared, and since 2014, these issue had been published under the title of Slavistica Vilnensis. The Kalbotyra (1) journal itself began appearing in digital form since 2007 and is called Lithuanian Language. The label Kalbotyra does not appear on its website; in 2007, the numbering of this publication began with the first issue. The journal is published on a regular basis. Since 2006, only the Kalbotyra ((3) Germanic and Romance Studies) journal has been published regularly. Sixty-four issues had appeared by 2012.

Kalbotyra Today
Since 2013, the scientific journal is published under the title Kalbotyra and is dedicated to studies into various aspects of languages (including interlingual aspects). The journal publishes scientific articles, book reviews, and conference proceedings. Conference materials may also be printed. The articles are published in English, Lithuanian, French, and German. Kalbotyra is published both in paper and digital form as an open access publication. Usually, one number per year appears. In 2016 and 2017, the following thematic numbers of Kalbotyra were published, respectively: “Modality and Evidentiality in European Languages” and “Current Corpus-Based Contrast Language Research.”