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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts of scientific articles submitted for the publication in the Vilnius University periodical scientific journal of Law ("Teisė") must comply with the established format of the article and the general requirements for the preparation of manuscripts set out in this document.

The manuscript shall not exceed 1 quire (40 000 characters, including spaces), except cases approved by the Editorial Board.

Details of the author of the article: full name and surname of the author; scientific degree and pedagogical title; the institution in which the publication was prepared (affiliation) and the author's current position in it, the address of the institution, the author's e-mail address; ORCID ID (optional but highly recommended data for authors: a unique identifier for the author, ensuring that all his/her research papers are correctly identified and attributed to the author, see for more details). If there is more than one author of the article, the data of all co-authors are provided accordingly. When submitting an article to an email, the author's data forms a separate file, when uploading it to the platform, the authors provide their data in the dedicated fields on the platform itself. The article itself must not contain any personally identifiable information about the author, including metadata Word doc. files.

Structure of the article:

The title of the article should be short, informative and reveal the essence of the presented research. Abbreviations must be avoided in the title.

Annotation is a short summary of the main ideas of the article, which indicates the purpose and object of the research, the results and conclusions of the research. The length of the annotation is up to 150-200 words. In the annotation, it is not allowed to cite literature or sources, to make references.

Key words - 4-7 key words (expressions) are indicated. Keywords are separated by commas, it is necessary to avoid repeating the title of the article. When uploading to the platform, it is necessary to put (copy) the keywords one by one and separate them with a comma (otherwise the system misunderstands that one keyword term consisting of several words separated by commas has been uploaded).

The title, annotation and key words of the article (in the order set out here) are presented in Lithuanian and English, as well as in the language in which the scientific article is published.

The main text of the scientific article, which must include  clearly distinguished elements of this part of the scientific article:

Introduction, which defines the aim of the research, tasks, object, methods, relevance of the topic (problem) and degree of research, originality of the work, as well as an overview of the sources and literature used;

Main part - presentation and substantiation of research results; the text must be clear, logically divided into separate chapters, which must be numbered (chapters are numbered with one Arabic numeral and subsections with two digits) and have titles that reflect their content.

Citation and references to the sources in the text are based on the Harvard style (author-date) system (Harvard style, author-date). In parantheses, the source should be indicated: (i) the name of the author (without name and (or) its initials), (ii) the year of publication, ( (iii) the page or pages (where available and (or) necessary).
For example: (Machovenko, 2019, p. 22) or (Machovenko, Valančienė, 2018, p. 35).

If the source has more than two authors, only the surname of the first author is given, followed by et al.
For example:  (Švedas et al., 2019, p. 96)

If two or more authors are cited, which are common names, the author's surname in the reference is supplemented by the initials of the name.
For example: Some authors argue that social guarantees for workers were violated during the economic crisis (Petrylaitė, D. 2015, p. 121; Petrylaitė, V. 2014, p. 147).

If the same author is cited and his/her works and sources are published in the same year, then in addition to the year of publication (respectively in the List of Sources), the lower case letters ‘a’, ‘b’, etc. shall be indicated.
For example: (Davulis, 2004a, p. 15; Davulis, 2004b, p. 221)

When quoting secondary sources, the surname, year and source of the author from which the author's surname is published and the year and page of the publication shall be indicated.
For example: (Baran, 1998 quoted Petrylaitė, 2005, p. 46)

When quoting non-author publications, legal acts, court decisions, etc., the title of the document shall be indicated, if it does not exceed 5 words, or the first 4–5 words forming the title of the document shall be indicated and a colon shall be added.  
For example: according to a sociological survey (Institute of Labor and Social Research, 2006), 4 percent of Lithuanian companies had functioning works councils. Most Austrian legal scholars argue that a legal strike could only be organized by a trade union (Unofficial strike in Austria ..., 2009). On the other hand, the case law states that strike claims must be handed over to the employer before the strike (ruling of the Supreme Court of Lithuania of 15 December 2015 in a civil case). In Lithuania, the right to strike is a constitutional right of employees (Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, 1992). According to the law, a strike can be organized by a trade union operating at the company level (Law on Trade Unions of the Republic of Lithuania, 1991).

Footnotes are made at the bottom of the page in order to explain or substantiate a particular statement or fact mentioned in the text, using Arabic numerals and footnotes. The numbering of all footnotes must be continuous.

For example:
1 In order to maintain objectivity, it should be noted that in the present case the reference was made not by the constitutional review body but by the German Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgerich).
2 Also assessing the ex nunc effect of the final acts of the Constitutional Court.

Conclusions must be numbered, they must not contain citations and references to the literature or sources used.

A list of sources shall include all sources cited in the scientific article. The sources in the list are grouped by type: (i) legal acts, which are listed according to legal force starting from the highest legal force, and acts having equal legal force, starting from the oldest; it is recommended to separate international, regional, national and (or) foreign legal acts into separate subsections; (ii) special literature - in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author (in case of several authors - taking into account the surname of the second, third, etc. author); if several different sources by the same author are cited, they shall be listed chronologically, starting with the oldest; if the author is not indicated - by the title of the work; (iii) case law - starting with court decisions by level of court, starting with the highest court, it is recommended to divide the decisions of international, regional, national and (or) foreign courts into separate subsections; (iv) other sources (such as newsletters, web portals, travaux préparatoires, etc.)  

Sources, subsections and chapters are not numbered.

Sources are written in the original language. The Cyrillic alphabet is transliterated into the Latin alphabet. Other non-Latin writing systems are transliterated into Latin accordingly. For transliteration, use the order No. of 17 November, 2011 of the Director of the Center of Registers V-217 “On the Approval of the Classification of the Register of Legal Entities” approved the classification of transliteration of the main foreign language characters into the main Latin characters (see:

The transliterated data replaces the ones used in the original source.
For example: Zhalinskiy, A. (2004), Sovremennoe nemetskoe ugolovnoe pravo, Prospekt, Moskva.

The Harvard style (author-date) must be followed when compiling the list of sources, cf. See Annex to this document.

Additional information about the author(s) (in Lithuanian and English) - the author's name, surname, short scientific biography, scientific interests and research areas (up to 500-600 characters with spaces).

The text of the scientific article shall contain no revision marks (track changes function), and it shall be printed using the font type Times New Roman, Normal, 12 pt. Footnotes size – 10 pt. Spacing between the text lines – 1.5. Full-text alignment – justified. Bold or underscored font is not advised, except for the headings of the sections or emphasis of important statements or words. The paper shall consistently adhere to the chosen text layout: the format of legal acts, dates, numbering, concepts, abbreviations, etc. should stick to the one used for the first time in the paper. Scientific articles whose authors do not comply with the requirements set out in points 2-5 shall not be accepted.

Articles of an informative and (or) professional nature are published in the LEGAL NEWS section of the Vilnius University periodical scientific journal of Law ("Teisė"). These articles are not reviewed.

The manuscript of the article is submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board by e-mail or by uploading to the platform in Microsoft Word format.

Before submitting a manuscript to the Editorial Board, the article by a Vilnius University doctoral student shall be approved by the doctoral supervisor and given consideration at the meeting of the department. The article review by the department, containing the conclusion on article’s eligibility for publication in the Vilnius University periodical scientific journal of Law ("Teisė"), shall be submitted to the Editorial Board by the doctoral student along with the manuscript.

Manuscripts shall be regularly accepted and published in subsequent order, unless the Editorial Board decides otherwise.



Harvard style rules for the compilation of the

List of sources

The list of Sources always indicates (i) the author (person, institution), (ii) the year of publication and (iii) the title. Some (specific) sources may require other additional data (see specific examples below). If the source has a DOI number, it must be indicated at the end of the bibliographic description of the source (the bibliographic description is needed by readers and the DOI number by databases and systems because they error-read the bibliographic description adapted to the human eye).

1.1 .Legal normative acts

International conventions, recommendations etc.

When quoting international treaties ratified and officially published by the Republic of Lithuania, the following shall be indicated: (i) official title of the legal act, (ii) year of adoption in plain brackets, (iii) after full stop the name of the source of the publication (official publication) in italics, the year, the number (abbreviation No or no is not given) and the publication number of the legal act.

Tarptautinis pilietinių ir politinių teisių paktas (1966). Valstybės žinios, 2002, 77-3288.

When quoting international treaties ratified and officially published by the Republic of Lithuania, an article published in English or another foreign language shall indicate: (i) official title of the legal act, signatories (if any), (ii) year of adoption in ordinary brackets, (iii) after full stop the official register number of the legal act (UNTS / ETS / OAS, etc.) (if none, informal references ILM, IHRR, etc.) (see: or and page number.

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966). [1976] UNTSer 141; 999 UNTS 171.

When quoting international treaties not ratified and (or) not officially published by the Republic of Lithuania, the following shall be indicated: (i) official title of the legal act, signatories (if any), (ii) year of adoption in ordinary brackets, (iii) after full stop the official register number of the legal act (UNTS / ETS / OAS, etc.) (if none, informal references ILM, IHRR, etc.) (see: or and page number.

Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries, United States and Canada (1954). Can TS 1955 No 19, 6 UST 2836.

1.2. Regulations. Directives of the European Union 

Indicate: (i) the institution, (ii) the date of adoption, (iii) the type of the legal act, (iv) the number of the legal act, the abbreviation of the institution (where available), (v) the official title of the legal act, (vi) the source of the official publication, its number, including the number of the first page.

Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos 2002 m. kovo 11 d. direktyva 2002/14/EB dėl bendros darbuotojų informavimo ir konsultavimosi su jais sistemos sukūrimo Europos bendrijoje. OL L 80, p. 29.
Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos 2019 m. birželio 20 d. direktyva (ES) 2019/1152 dėl skaidrių ir nuspėjamų darbo sąlygų Europos Sąjungoje. OL L 186, p. 10.
Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos 2004 m. balandžio 29 d. reglamentas (EB) Nr. 883/2004 dėl socialinės apsaugos sistemų koordinavimo. OL L 166, p. 1.

1.3. Constitution, Codes, Laws

Indicate: (i) oficial title of the legal act, (ii) in ordinary brackets – year of adoption, (iii) after full stop the name of the source of the publication (official publication) in italics (the abbreviation "TAR" is written in non-italics), the year (only if different from the year of adoption of the legal act), the number (abbreviation No or no is not given) and the publication number of the legal act.

Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija (1992). Valstybės žinios, 33-1014.
Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamasis kodeksas (2000). Valstybės žinios, 89-2741.
Lietuvos Respublikos alkoholio kontrolės įstatymo Nr. I-857 28 straipsnio pakeitimo įstatymas (2019). TAR, 9824.

1.4. Decissions of the Government

Indicate: (i) the institution (Government of the Republic of Lithuania), (ii) the full date, type and number of the legal act; (iii) in quotation marks, the official title of the legal act, (iv) after full stop the name of the source of the publication (official publication) in italics (the abbreviation "TAR" is written in non-italics), the year (only if different from the year of adoption of the legal act), the number (if available) (abbreviation No or no is not given) and the publication number of the legal act.

Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 2019 lapkričio 6 d. nutarimas Nr. 1143 „Dėl bendradarbiavimo su tarptautine Frankofonijos organizacija“. TAR, 18350.

 1.5. Ministerial orders and other subordinate legislation  

Indicate: (i) the institution, (ii) the full date, type and number of the legal act; (iii) in quotation marks, the official title of the legal act, (iv) after full stop the name of the source of the publication (official publication) in italics (the abbreviation "TAR" is written in non-italics), the year (only if different from the year of adoption of the legal act), the number (if available) (abbreviation No or no is not given) and the publication number of the legal act.

Lietuvos Respublikos teisingumo ministro 2013 gruodžio 27 d. įsakymas Nr. 1R-302 „Dėl pranešimo dėl antrinės teisinės pagalbos teikimo formos patvirtinimo“. TAR, 320.


1) if the legal act has been published in a separate publication (book, brochure, leaflet) and the author uses precisely such source format, the list of sources shall indicate the source of the official publication of the legal act, but not the said special publication;

2) if the act or other primary legal source (current or historical) published in the collection, book and does not have or cannot find its official source of publication, then indicate: (i) title of the act, (ii) in ordinary brackets - year of adoption, (iii) the full stop is preceded by the prefix Iš or In, a colon is added and the source data is indicated according to the relevant rules of the bibliographic description;

Abiejų Tautų tarpusavio įsipareigojimas (2012), Iš: Lietuvos teisės istorijos chrestomatija, Gelumbauskienė, R. ir Šapoka, G. (sud.). Vilnius: Justitia, 65–66.

3) the addresses of web pages are not indicated, except in cases when the legal act is published only in electronic form.

2. Special literature

2.1. Books

2.1.1. One author:

Always indicate (i) the author's name, the initials after  comma, (ii) the year of publication in ordinary brackets, (iii) the title in italics, (iiia) if needed after full stop (in addition to the title of the book) the type of the book (monograph, manual, etc.), (iv) after full stop the issue number (only if the first edition is not cited), (v) after full stop the place of publication (city), (vi) after colon the publisher.

Švedas, G. (2006). Baudžiamosios politikos pagrindai ir tendencijos Lietuvos Respublikoje. Vilnius: Teisinės informacijos centras.
Švedas, G. (2016). Baudžiamosios politikos pagrindai ir tendencijos Lietuvos Respublikoje. Antras leidimas. Vilnius: Teisinės informacijos centras.
Machovenko, J. (2013). Teisės istorija. Vilniaus universiteto vadovėlis. Vilnius: Registrų centras.

Note: different works by the same author, published in the same year, are presented by adding the letters "a", "b", "c", "d", etc. of the Latin alphabet of the year.

Snyder, T. (2012a). Kruvinos žemės: Europa tarp Hitlerio ir Stalino. Vilnius: Tyto alba.
Snyder, T. (2012b). Tautų rekonstrukcija: Lenkija, Ukraina, Lietuva, Baltarusija, 1569–1999. Antroji laida. Vilnius: Mintis.

2.1.2. Two/three authors:

Indicate (i) all author‘s names and initials (in order of the authors listed on the title page of the book) by adding the conjunction “and” or “and” before the next name, (ii) further as described for a book by a single author.  

Craig, P. and De Búrca, G. (2011). EU law: text, cases, and materials, Oxford: Oxford  University Press.
Dapšys, A., Misiūnas, J. ir Čaplinskas, A. (2008). Bausmės individualizavimo teisinės problemos. Baudžiamojo įstatymo normų ir jų taikymo teismų praktikoje sisteminė analizė. Vilnius:  Teisės institutas.

2.1.3. Four and more author‘s:

Indicate (i) the name of the first author (as indicated on the title page of the book), after commathe initials and additionally „ir kt.“ arba „et al.“, (ii) further as described for a book by a single author.

Nekrošius, I. ir kt. (2008). Darbo teisė. Vadovėlis. Vilnius: teisinės informacijos centras.
Levitt, R. et al. (1999). The Organised National Health Service. 6th ed. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes.

2.1.4. Collective author:

In the case of a collective author (institution), indicate: (i) the official name of the institution, (ii) further as described for a book by a single author.

Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija (2017). Socialinis pranešimas 2016-2017. Vilnius: Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija.

2.1.5. A book with one or more editors, compilers listed:

Indicate: (i) the name of the editor(s) or compiler(s), followed by the initials of the comma and enclosed in brackets "ed.", "ed.", "eds." or "com." If a Lithuanian publication contains two or more editors or compilers, the "and" shall be placed between the initials of their surnames and names instead of commas. Other authors are not indicated, (ii) further as described for a book by a single author.  

Kūris, E. (red.) (2015). Krizė, teisės viešpatavimas ir žmogaus teisės. Šiauliai: AB „Titnagas“.
Davulis, T. ir Petrylaitė, D. (red.) (2007). Darbo ir socialinės apsaugos teisė XXI amžiuje: iššūkiai ir perspektyvos, tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija. Vilnius: Teisinės informacijos centras.
Machovenko, J. Ir Isokaitė, I. (sud.) (2016). Konstitucionalizmo idėja, bendroji Europos teisė ir Lietuvos konstitucinė tradicija. Recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.
Davulis, T., Petrylaitė, D. (eds.) (2012). Labour Regulation in the 21st Century: In Search of Flexibility and Security. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2.1.6. Part of the book (chapter, article):

Indicate: (i) the name of the part of the book (chapter, article) author followed by the initials of the comma, (ii) the year of publication in ordinary brackets, (iii) the title of the part book (chapter, article) in italics, (iv) the full stop is preceded by the prefix Iš or In and a colon is added; (v) and the source data is indicated according to the relevant rules of the bibliographic description; (vi) a comma is placed after the publisher's data and the range of the first and last pages of the book part (chapter, article) is indicated (the letter "p." is not written).

Sudavičius, B. (2016). Mokesčiai kaip konstitucinė biudžeto pajamų forma. Iš: Machovenko, J. ir Isokaitė, I. (sud.) (2016). Konstitucionalizmo idėja, bendroji Europos teisė ir Lietuvos konstitucinė tradicija. Recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 151-170.

2.1.7. Electronic book:

Describe as the relevant printed book, without specifying the place of printing (city), except where this information is given in the book, supplemented by (i) in square brackets "[interactive]", (ii) after comma the publisher, (iii) after full stop: “Internet access: Internet URL of the article (avoid underlining this address), (iv) hyphenated login date in mixed style.

Gerhard Ernst, G., Heilinger, J-Ch. (eds.) (2011). The Philosophy of Human Rights [interaktyvus], De Gruyter Open.  Prieiga per internetą: [žiūrėta 2019 m. gruodžio 12 d.].

2.1.8. Translated books, parts thereof, etc.:

When providing a bibliographic reference to a book or part of a book translated from a foreign language, in addition after full stopbefore the place of publication the initial and surname of the name of the translator shall be indicated.

Berman, H. J. (1999). Teisė ir revoliucija. Vakarų teisės tradicijos formavimasis. Vertė A. Šliogeris. Vilnius: Pradai.

2.1.9.  Articles in scientific journals:

A bibliographic reference to an article published in a journal or other periodical or continuing publication shall indicate: (i) author's name, comma and initials, (ii) the year of publication in ordinary brackets, (iii) non-italicized title of the article, (iv) the title of the journal (publication) in italics , (v) after comma the volume and (or) number of the journal (publication) in numerical form only without abbreviations “No., Vol. etc. ”, (vi) after comma - the interval between the first and last pages of the article (the letter “p.” is not given).

Vosyliūtė, A. (2013). Vagystės kvalifikuotų sudėčių konstravimo Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame kodekse ypatumai. Teisė, 88, 129–143.
Stalford, H. (2002). Concepts of Family under EU Law–Lessons from the ECHR. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 16(3), 410-434.

2.1.10. Articles in electronic scientific journals:

Indicate: (i) author's name, comma and initials, (ii) the year of publication in ordinary brackets, (iii) after full stop non-italicized title of the article, (iv) the title of the journal (publication) in italics, (v) after comma the volume and (or) (if aplicable) number of the journal (publication) in numerical form only without abbreviations “No., Vol. etc. ”, (vii) after comma - the interval between the first and last pages of the article (if aplicable), (viii) without a comma, “[interactive]” is indicated in square brackets, (ix) after full stop it is written: “Internet access: Internet URL of the article (avoid underlining this address), (x) in hyphens, the date of connection in mixed style.   

Limantė, A. (2019). Stiprėjantis tos pačios lyties asmenų šeiminių santykių teisinis pripažinimas Europoje. Teisės problemos, 1(97), p. 21-46 [interaktyvus]. Prieiga per internetą: [žiūrėta 2019 m. gruodžio 12 d.].

When describing articles with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, only the DOI number is given instead of the online format and login details.

Blažienė, I., Petrylaitė, D. (2010). The institute of works councils: specific theoretical and practical features. The case of Lithuania. Issues of Business and Law, 2, p. 85-94, https://doi: 10.2478/v10088-010-0008-7

Note: If the electronic journal also has a printed version, the article is in printed form (see point 2.1.10).

2.1.11. Dissertation, its summary, final work:

Indicate: (i) author's name, comma and initials, (ii) the year of publication in ordinary brackets, (iii) the title in italics, (iv) after full stop the type of document (dissertation, its summary, final work, etc.), (v) after comma, field and direction of science, (vi) after comma the institution where the defense took place, (vii) after  full stop place of publication (city), (viii) after  colon the publisher.

Griškevič, L. (2013). Autentiškos teismų sistemos sukūrimas Lietuvoje. Daktaro disertacija, socialiniai mokslai, teisė (01S), Vilniaus universitetas. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.

 2.1.12. Archive documents:

When providing a bibliographic reference to an archival document (including personal archives), (after the title in italics) the year in which the document was written (if not known, the word "sa", ie "sine anno" - the year is not given), followed by a comma and the exact address of the source.

Teisės fakulteto taryba. 1940–1942 posėdžių protokolai (1940–1942), Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas, f. R-856, ap. 1, b. 416.

3. Electronic publications

3.1. Websites: Teisėjas ir dirbtinis intelektas: ar kūrinys gali būti pranašesnis už kūrėją? [interaktyvus] (modifikuota 2019-12-11).  Prieiga per internetą: [žiūrėta 2019 m. gruodžio 12 d.].

European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. The EU in slides. [online] (modified 2019-11-27).  Available at: [Accessed 12 December 2019].

3.2. Blogs:

Curry, St. (2018). Why universities need to talk to black people about race. The Guardian‘s science blog, [blog] 30 August. Prieiga per internetą: ams-corner/2018/aug/30/why-universities-need-to-talk-to-black-people-about-race [Accessed 12 December 2019].

4. Court practice

4.1. Decisions of European Court of Human Rights:

Indicate: (i) the name of the case in italics, (ii) the abbreviation of the court in square brackets "EŽTT" or "ECHR" respectively, (iii) the number of the petition after comma starting with the abbreviation "Nr." or "No.", (iv) after comma in square brackets date of acceptance of the decision, (v) after full stop - ECLI number.

Šimkus prieš Lietuvą [EŽTT], Nr. 41788/2011, [2017-09-13]. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2017:0613 JUD004178811.
Hutchinson v. the United Kingdom [ECHR], No. 57592/08, [17.1.2017]. ECLI:CE:ECHR:2017:0117 JUD005759208.

4.2. Decisions of the Court of Justice of European Union:

Indicate: (i) the name of the case in italics, (ii) the abbreviation of the court in square brackets „ESTT“ or „CJEU“ respectively, (iii) the number of the petition after comma starting with the abbreviation "Nr." or "No.", (iv) after comma in square brackets date of acceptance of the decision, (v) after full stop - ECLI number.

Prato Nevoso Termo Energy [ESTT], Nr. C‑212/18, [2019-10-24]. ECLI:EU:C:2019:898.
Prato Nevoso Termo Energy [CJEU], No. C-212/18, [24.10.2019]. ECLI:EU:C:2019:898.

4.3. Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court:

Indicate:  (i) full name of the court, (ii) in mixed style the full date of the decision (note: the number of the decision is given only if two rulings or decisions are published on the same day, the name of the case is not given), (iii) after the word "ruling" or "decision" and the full stop – the name of the source of publication (official publication) in italics (the abbreviation "TAR" is in non-italics), year (only if different from the year of adoption of the decision), number (if any) (abbreviation „No“ or „no.“ is not given) and the publication number of the decision.

Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucinio Teismo 2005 m. rugsėjo 29 d. nutarimas. Valstybės žinios, 117-4239.
The Ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania of 11 July 2014. The Register of Legal Acts, 10117.

4.4. Jurisprudence of the courts of general competence:

Indicate: (i) name of the court (chamber – if needed), (ii) in mixed style full date of the adoption of the decision, (iii) type and number of the document. 

Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo 2015 m. gruodžio 15 d. nutartis civilinėje byloje Nr. 3K‑7‑525-916/2015.
Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo 2015 m. gruodžio 22 d. nutartis baudžiamojoje byloje Nr. 2K-P-498-746/2015.
Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo 2013 m. liepos 11 d. sprendimas administracinėje byloje Nr. A556-1407/2013.
The Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania of 6 December 2016, Administrative case No. eA-4175-624/2016.


Links to web pages are not provided when describing court decisions.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.