Transformation of Lithuanian Education Monitoring: Trends and Prerequisites
Dalia Survutaitė
Published 2012-01-01


education monitoring
qual­ity of school activities
external assessment

How to Cite

Survutaitė, D. (2012) “Transformation of Lithuanian Education Monitoring: Trends and Prerequisites”, Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 28, pp. 121–132. doi:10.15388/ActPaed.2012.28.2932.


Following the good world practice, the National School for School Evaluation initiated the creation of a specific model for external school evaluation. Over the last decade, the (self-)assessment of school activity has become a usual element in the work of education institutions. The Lithuanian system of ed­ucation focuses not only on the efficient implementa­tion of the government policy on education, but also on orienting the latest education reforms towards im­proving the quality of educational services. Under the fast transformations from the authori­tarian regime to a democratic system in Lithuania, the education system positions itself at the junction of educational paradigms. The created modern in­strument for education quality management – ex­ternal assessment of school activities – meets the concept of the free education paradigm or, accord­ing to M. Lukšienė, complies with the concept of creative education, whereas the construct of educa­ tion process evaluation, which is applied to teachers, targets more at the identification of the features of normative education activities. The results of teach­ers’ opinion survey clearly show that teachers fear unified and standardised requirements as regards educational activity and a wide range of assessment spheres. External assessment of the quality of school activities, which has been created and improved fol­lowing the most modern systems of Western Europe, is particularly important and optimal while reform­ing the Lithuanian system of education.
The article analyses the model of the external as­sessment of schools, which is being created by the National Agency for School Evaluation. A number of conclusions drawn on the basis of the teachers’ opinion survey are also presented.



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