Some Socio-Psychological Aspects of Birth-Rate
Vytautas Baršys
Published 1981-09-29

How to Cite

Baršys, V. (1981) “Some Socio-Psychological Aspects of Birth-Rate”, Problemos, 26, pp. 18–24. doi:10.15388/Problemos.1981.26.6288.


An analysis of reproductive orientations and motives is presented in the article. The author comes to the conclusion that reduction of birth-rate and the spread of small families are related to the decrease of the need for children in a family. Thus to increase birth-rate, it is insufficient to influence the conditions stimulating the birth of a second and a third child, but it is found to be imperative to form the need itself. The forming of this necessity in a family for two-three children, whose appearance is essential in providing a usual reproduction of population, is considered the major task in controlling socio-demographic processes.


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