Terms of Intentionality in Early Prajñāpãramitā Texts (“Phenomenal Reality” (dmigs pa), “Abiding” (gnas pa) and “Practice” (spyod))
Vladimir Korobov
Centre of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University
Published 2002-12-01

How to Cite

Korobov, V. (2002) “Terms of Intentionality in Early Prajñāpãramitā Texts (“Phenomenal Reality” (dmigs pa), “Abiding” (gnas pa) and ‘Practice’ (spyod))”, Acta Orientalia Vilnensia, 3, pp. 112–118. doi:10.15388/AOV.2002.18298.


The paper focuses on the connection of some Prajñāpãramitā terms with the conception of intentionality as it is presented in modern phenomenology. Three terms: dmigs pa - “phenomenal reality”, gnas pa - “abiding” and spyod - “practice” are taken to demonstrate specific intentional context of Prajñāpãramitā teaching. The interpretation of these terms in the context of a whole teaching shows that the culmination of all Prajñāpãramitā phenomenology is the access to the state beyond intentional constructions and representations. The teaching itself is not a presentation of a new ontology but a “leveling” of the field of present awareness which is deformed by intentional references.



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