Limits of Education Policy Implementation: The Attitudes of Education Stakeholders in Lithuania
Eglė Katiliūtė
Published 2006-01-01


education policy
education system
education stakeholders

How to Cite

Katiliūtė, E. (2006) “Limits of Education Policy Implementation: The Attitudes of Education Stakeholders in Lithuania”, Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 16, pp. 137–153. doi:10.15388/ActPaed.2006.16.9715.


The article deals with solving the research problem focused on the following questions: What kind of policy implementation tendencies exist in the intended level of education policy? What kind of attitudes to limits of education policy implementation exists in the reality (in-use) level of education policy among the education stakeholders (principals, head teachers, teachers, pupils, parents and students)? The research questions mentioned above are answered by three sections: the first illuminates the changes in education policy in Lithuania with the focus on policy tendencies that are performed in secondary school; the second section presents research methodology and the third part presents the generalization of research results.


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