Art based volunteering possibilities : viewpoint of the trainers
Turan Tolga Vuranok
Şişli Technical and Vocational High School, Turkey
Mustafa Ozcan
Şişli Technical and Vocational High School, Turkey
Lina Miliūnienė
Šiauliai University, Lithuania
Liuda Radzevičienė
Šiauliai University, Lithuania
Published 2012-12-28


adult education
art education

How to Cite

Tolga Vuranok, T. (2012) “Art based volunteering possibilities : viewpoint of the trainers”, Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach, 2(2), pp. 118–125. doi:10.15388/SW.2012.28200.


The article presents the results based on the research performed according to the EU Grundtvig project Empowering volunteering in socially disadvantaged groups of adult learning (No. LLPGRU-MP-2011_LT-00089) in 5 different European countries and Turkey as well. The role of volunteering is described as a two side activity having infl uence on trainers and volunteers expanding their social experience and knowledge of social inclusion of groups who are at social risk. The results prove that new kind of knowledge and relationship has changed signifi cantly in the process of adult education. Increasing of two side personal motivation in education process has been set up as well.



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