Statistical Estimation of Discriminant Space using Various Projection Indices
R. Krikštolaitis
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Published 2001-06-05


Gaussian mixture model
discriminant space
projection pursuit
projection index

How to Cite

Krikštolaitis, R. (2001) “Statistical Estimation of Discriminant Space using Various Projection Indices”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 6(1), pp. 67–77. doi:10.15388/NA.2001.6.1.15226.


Projection pursuit is a method for finding interesting projections of high-dimensional multivariate data. Typically interesting projections are found by numerical maximizing some measure of non-normality of projected data (so-called projection index) over projection direction. The problem is to select the index for projection pursuit. In this article we compare performance of five projection indices: projection indices based on omega2, Omega2, Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit measures, entropy index and Friedman's index. It is supposed that observed random variable satisfies a multidimensional Gaussian mixture model.



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