To the question on convergence of the sums of the random step processes to a Poisson process
B. Grigelionis
Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Lithuanian SSR
Published 1966-06-15

How to Cite

Grigelionis, B. (1966) “To the question on convergence of the sums of the random step processes to a Poisson process”, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 6(2), pp. 241–244. doi:10.15388/LMJ.1966.19721.


The abstracts (in two languages) can be found in the pdf file of the article.

Original author name(s) and title in Russian and Lithuanian:

Б. Григелионис, К вопросу о сходимости сумм ступенчатых случайных процессов к пуассоновскому

B. Grigelionis, Laiptuotų atsitiktinių procesų sumų konvergencijos į Puasono procesą klausimu



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