Hypothesis on the Solvability of Parabolic Equations with nonlocal Condition
Mifodijus Sapagovas
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania
Published 2002-06-05


parabolic equation
nonlocal condition
finite difference method

How to Cite

Sapagovas, M. (2002) “Hypothesis on the Solvability of Parabolic Equations with nonlocal Condition”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 7(1), pp. 93–104. doi:10.15388/NA.2002.7.1.15204.


Numerous and different nonlocal conditions for the solvability of parabolic equations were researched in many articles and reports. The article presented analyzes such conditions imposed, and observes that the existence and uniqueness of the solution of parabolic equation is related mainly to ”smallness” of functions, involved in nonlocal conditions. As a consequence the hypothesis has been made, stating the assumptions on functions in nonlocal conditions are related to numerical algorithms of solving parabolic equations, and not to the parabolic equation itself.



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